Task 4: Are we related?

1. This task continues the work from Task 3. Use the comment box below to answer this and the next item. Based on a use case or two, sketch a page flow that you would like to implement.

2. What is the other important type of data you want to support? Add a second table to your application to represent these data. Describe the relationship between the two tables and implement the corresponding two way links in your models, if necessary with the help of a third table.

3. Push your modifications to github. Find user cs424 on github and follow them, so that they can follow you back.

4. Edit the README.md file so that it gives a brief description of your application (instead of the standard README). This file is written in a markup language called markdown. That’s the language which is also used for these blog pages. A (brief) description of its syntax can be found on the kramdown homepage.

Written on November 10, 2020 by CS424.